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Games for Visual Processing


  1. Look at books and point to pictures.
  2. When taking a walk point to things in the environment – a tree, a flower, a squirrel…
  3. Play ball – the child has to watch the ball go close and far from him/her and track its movement.
  4. Clean up – spread toys around the room and have the child find all the items that need to be picked up and put away. Initially you can help by pointing but then try encouraging the child to scan the room independently.
  5. Bubbles – popping bubbles requires visually tracking the bubbles.
  6. “Hide and seek” – either the traditional game with one person hiding and another person has to find him/her or by hiding a toy the child has to find. Toy does not need to be completely hidden – if a child has a visual problem he/she may find it challenging enough finding a toy on a table in a busy room.
  7. Draw 3 to 5 circles on a piece of paper and have the child place stickers or toys in the circles. For older children, make the task harder by making circles in different colors asking the child to place a toy in a specific color circle.
  8. Have child find a specific item on a crowded shelf (in a full fridge, in a full draw…).
  9. Crayons and paper – scribble and color pictures. Age expectations: before 24 months scribbling only. Ages 24 months-30 month copy circle and vertical line. Age 30 months -36 months copy horizontal line. Age 36 month and older some kids can copy a cross.
  10. I spy – have child find a specific item in a picture in a book or a magazine picture. You can use the following phrase “I spy with my little eye a…. (name item)” then have your child look for it, take turns naming an item and looking for it.
  11. Draw the child’s initial in a big letter and have child place stickers on the lines of the letter. Child could also use glue to stick beans or pasta on the initial.


Compiled by Sara Torten MS, OTR/L

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